
Showing posts from January, 2018

Metaphors: What Do Bricks Have To Do With Anything, Really?

What is a metaphor? According to , a metaphor is " a figure of speech  in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or  analogy   between them... " often compared to -gasp- similes. Or, to put it in an easier to understand way (courtesy of this really cool article I found on the  Grammarly Blog ,)  "...a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison."  Personally, I think writing is both incredibly boring and physically hard to both read and retain without good, solid metaphors to hold the reader's interest throughout. I love using them in my writing and use them fairly frequently in everyday conversation.This might be why I have so much difficulty with formal writing. While it has its place, I find technical writing almost physically painful...

Intro Post

Hi!  My name is Emily Lofton. This is my second semester attending GCC, and I am currently majoring in Graphic Design, getting all my pre-reqs out of the way. I enjoy writing (typically fiction in the form of short stories and poems,) drawing, and video games. I'm a pretty middle-of-the-road, laid back kind nerd, I enjoy high-fantasy and sci-fi (In terms of both reading and writing,) well-written fan fiction, and absorbing as much random info as I can for use in world-building (both drawing and writing.) I enjoy both Star Trek and Star Wars-in small doses. Also memes. Especially nerdy pun memes.  I love most kinds of animals, and am currently the proud(?) owner(?) of a large furry tumor we think is a calico cat...or something. I've got plenty of pet peeves,not that I could name many off the top of my head, but I'd know them if I saw them. The only ones that immediately come to mind are the ones pertaining to language-mainly spelling and proper usage of their/there/...